Our Williams Branch
116 Main Street
Williams, IA 50271
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
1:00 - 5:00 PM
(515) 854 - 2224

Our Williams location is situated in north-central Iowa, surrounded by rolling fields and farmland. Given its small size, Williams is a close-knit community where people know their neighbors and have a strong sense of community belonging. Williams has parks, a community garden, and a quaint downtown. Every year, the town comes alive as Williams hosts a community-wide 4th of July celebration.
The Iowa Falls State Bank Williams Location is situated in what was once the drugstore, or most recently, the ice cream shop. Although we are in a small space, we are mighty in the town we serve. Every year, we participate in the town celebrations sponsoring the fireworks, bingo, and the princess events. Throughout the year, we donate to the Lions Club, churches, and many other activities in Williams. We enjoy sponsoring events financially and personally at Northeast Hamilton Community School District and the Hamilton County Fair.
Feel free to stop by our small Williams location and visit our friendly staff. We’re here to assist you with your banking needs and provide you with excellent service, whether you have a question about your accounts, need to change some coins or pay your water bill. We look forward to welcoming you to our Williams branch.”