Community Impact
We support, encourage and empower community organizations to DREAM BIG!
We IMPACT Organizations
We IMPACT Communities
We IMPACT Dreams

Iowa Falls State Bank Community Impact is the donation, grant and scholarship side of Iowa Falls State Bank.
Organizations must meet the following eligibility requirements in order to be considered for an Impact Grant.
Applications must be classified by the IRS(C)(3) nonprofit organization or be a government entity. For groups, projects, or initiatives that do not meet the above eligibility requirements, the Community Impact Advisors will consider your requests in submitted through a fiscal sponsor. Fiscal sponsors must be classified as a 501(C)(3) or a government entity. The foundations prefers that the fiscal sponsor’s mission closely aligns tin the sponsored project. Organizations must Be current with all state and federal reporting requirements, such as filing of 990 forms. The organization must be in good financial standing at Iowa Falls State Bank.
Organizations must be located and serving the residents of Iowa Falls or Williams Communities
In addition to the eligibility requirements, the following restrictions also apply:
- One Applications per organization. (Exceptions: Government Entities and Fiscal Sponsors)
- Grant Request minimum is $500
The following are not eligible for funding through Impact:
- Individuals
- Organizations located outside and not serving the residents of Iowa Falls or Williams Communities
- Private Foundations or Endowments
- Political organizations / lobbying organizations or activities
- Businesses / For-Profit Companies
- Economic Development for activities directly benefiting businesses
- Organizations who serve a limited number of clients
- Operating or Maintenance expense
- Religious activities such as worship, instruction, opinion or activities that promote specific religious beliefs or doctrine are not eligible.
- Late, incomplete, or hard copy applications will not be considered.
Review Criteria
Applications will be reviewed and scored on the following elements:
Organization description – The overall health of the organization and how the application reflects the organization’s capability for completing a project
Feasibility – the probability the project will be successful, including the organization’s level of staff/volunteers and collaboration with community partners
Community need and outcome – the need for the project and how the proposed outcomes impact the community.
Collaboration – the level of collaboration for the project’s success with other organizations, community members and/or government entities
Project Budget – The details and budget and the ability to secure and/or leverage other funding sources including in-kind services.
Completeness of application – the application was filled out completely and project was described concise and credible data.
Applicants interested in seeking grants from Iowa Falls State Bank Community Impact should fully review these grant guidelines prior to submitting an application to ensure all eligibility requirements are met. Applications must be submitted through the online application located on
Grants are awarded for projects that can be completed within 12 months. Projects requiring more time should indicate the need for additional time in the grant application.
If the project cannot be completed by the end of the 12 months from being awarded, we will request that a grant extension be submitted or that funds are returned in full.
If your organization was part of a community challenge the amount that was matched by Community Impact must be returned, if extension is not granted.
The Youth Impact Program is a component of Iowa Falls State Bank Community Impact, YIP allows juniors and seniors from Iowa Falls – Alden Community School to experience philanthropy first hand. While serving on the Advisory Committee, youth will be able to review grants and award monies steered by their decisions to assist local non-profit organizations that serve the Iowa Falls Community. Youth involved gain leadership skills, and are taught the importance of giving and serving. Area juniors & seniors participate on the YIP Advisory Committee.
Youth advisory members are required to attend two review meetings and help present awards at the funding nights twice a year. These will be on the first and third Wednesday of April, the first Wednesday of September and November.
The Community Impact Board provides youth advisory committee members with a $250 scholarship for each completed year they participate.
If you are interested in being a part of the Youth Advisory Team, please complete the online application by July 31, 2023. At least four students (Juniors/Seniors) will be selected to participate on the Youth Impact Advisory team each year.
Please contact Crystal Doering at or 641-648-5171
The Community Impact Board is made up of community volunteers from the areas we serve and 3 employees of Iowa Falls State Bank. The board is made up of not less than five (5) or more then twelve (12) members.
Employees will serve 3-year terms and will be replaced if employment is terminated. An employee cannot serve 2 consecutive terms. The Community Impact Director is excluded from these terms.
Community volunteers may not serve for more than two (2) consecutive three (3) year terms however, a person may return to the advisory board after an absence of (1) year.
This committee is responsible for making funding recommendations, carefully reviewing and considering all eligible applications based on the guidelines stated.
The 2024 Advisory Committee is:
Crystal Doering, SVP/Impact Director Jennifer Bicknese
Brooke Lauritson Cindy Uhlenberg
Andrew Gustin
Chris Hinz
Lois Reiber
Rachel Loyd
Katie Haverkamp
Important Dates
Fall Grants for Challenge
- Grant applications are due by 5:00 on the last business day of August
- Reviewed by committee and groups present on the Second Wednesday of September
- Community Challenge will take place on the 2nd Wednesday in October – 4th Wednesday in October
- Awards ceremony and presentation of funds on the first Wednesday of November
Special application requests may be reviewed and granted throughout the year.